
技术标签: 数据库  

本次练习文章从创建表——>往表中插入数据——>查询 、修改、删除表数据


use master;  --使用系统数据库
create database anqier;  -- 创建数据库anqier
select *from emp; --查询emp表中的所有数据
drop table emp; --删除这个表的数据,并且删除了表本身。
truncate table emp ; --只是清空了表中的数据,并不会删除表本身
create table emp ----创建人员信息表
empid int ,
empname varchar(10),
empold int ,
empbirth datetime

create table bumen --创建部门表
bmid int,
bmname varchar(10)
select *from bumen;

create table kq --创建考勤表
empid int,
sbtime datetime,
xbtime datetime


insert into emp (empid,empname) values (1,'张三');
insert into emp (empid,empname) values (2,'张三丰');
insert into emp (empid,empname) values (2,'李四');
insert into emp (empid,empname) values (3,'李四囍 ');
insert into emp (empid,empname) values (4,'王五 ');
insert into emp (empid,empname) values (4,'王小五');
insert into emp (empid,empname) values (5,'王二小');
insert into emp (empid,empname) values (6,'王三小 ');
insert into emp (empid,empname) values (7,'张一');
insert into emp (empid,empname) values (7,'阿卜杜勒');

select * from emp;    --查询人员表中数据


insert into bumen values (1,'开发部');
insert into bumen values(2,'市场部');
insert into bumen values(3,'测试部');

select *from bumen;  --查询部门表
truncate table kq; --清空考情表中的数据 

insert into kq values(1,'2016/06/18 8:30','2016/06/18 18:30');
insert into kq values(2,'2016/06/18 9:00','2016/06/18 17:30');
insert into kq values(3,'2016/06/18 10:29','2016/06/18 17:20');


select *from kq;
select *from emp where empname='张三';
sp_help emp;  --查看人员表结构

select *from emp where empid=7;

select *from emp where empid in (1,4,7);

select *from emp where empid=4 and empname='王五';

select *from kq where substring(convert(char(20),sbtime,121),12,5)>'08:30';

update emp set empname='张三';
select *from emp;
update emp set empbirth='1992/01/01';

update emp set empold=datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate());


truncate table emp;

insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth ) values (1,'张三','1990/01/03');
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth) values (2,'张三丰','1990/01/03 12:12:12');
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth) values (2,'李四','1993/09/01');
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth) values (3,'李四囍','1993/03/21');
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth) values (4,'王五','1995/04/30');
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth) values (4,'王小五','1995/04/30');
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth) values (5,'王二小','1995/02/15');
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth) values (6,'王三小 ','1993/06/08');
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth) values (7,'张一','1994/01/03');
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth) values (7,'阿卜杜勒','1991/08/27');


update emp set empid=8 where empname ='阿卜杜勒';
update emp set empid=9 where empname='李四';
update emp set empid=10 where empname='王小五';

select *from emp;
select *from emp order by empid asc;
sp_help emp;
insert into emp (empid) values(1);

select empid,empname,empbirth from emp where year(empbirth) between 1993 and 1995;
select getdate();

select datediff(yyyy,'1990/01/01',getdate());

select empname,empbirth,datediff(yyyy ,empbirth,getdate()) as nianling from emp ;
select empid,empname,empbirth from mp where datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) between 21 and 24;
select empname,empbirth from emp where datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) in (20,23,25);
select * from emp where (select empbirth from emp where empname='李四')>empbirth;

-----任务四 ---

select '2016年6月31日距离今天'+ str(datediff(day,getdate(),'2016/06/30'),4)+'天'
select str(datediff(mm,getdate(),'2016/06/30'),4)+'月'
select str(datediff(wk,getdate(),'2016/06/30'),4)+'周'
select str(datediff(hh,getdate(),'2016/06/30'),4)+'小时';

select '2016年6月31日距离今天'+ str(datediff(day,getdate(),'2016/06/30'),4)+'天'
+ str(datediff(mm,getdate(),'2016/06/30'),4)+'月'
+ str(datediff(wk,getdate(),'2016/06/30'),4)+'周'
select empid,empname from emp where empname like '%三' or empname like '%小';
select *from emp;
select empid,empname,empbirth from emp where empname like '%李%';
select empname,empbirth from emp where datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) in (30,40,50);
select empid,empname,datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate())from emp where datalength(empname)>4 and datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) between 20 and 40;
select *from emp order by datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) desc;
select *from emp order by empname asc,datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) desc;
insert into emp (empid,empname,empbirth )values(11,'张国华','1990/03/12');
select *from emp;
select replace ('张国华','华','荣'); --只能起到对数据的查找,并不能进行替换
update emp set empname='张国荣' where empname='张国华'; --update 才能实现对数据的更新

alter table kq add bumen varchar(20);
insert into kq (empid,sbtime,xbtime)
select empid,dateadd(hh,-6,getdate()),dateadd(mi,50,getdate())
from emp;
select *from kq ;
alter table kq drop column bumen;
insert into kq (empid,sbtime,xbtime)
select empid,dateadd(day,-3,getdate()),'2016/06/16 17:30' from emp ; --不同表之间插入数据
select *from kq;
truncate table kq;
select distinct *from kq; --按照所有字段的对比去重
select distinct empid from kq;
select empid,empbirth into emp_bak from emp where datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate())>21;
select*from emp_bak;
alter table bumen add constraint uk_1 unique(bmname);
alter table emp add empsalary numeric(10,2) default 4000; --添加(默认约束)
select *from emp;
insert into emp (empid,empname,empold,empbirth)values(12,'anqier','23','1993/12/28');
select *from emp;

--.设置工资的取值范围为2000至20000 添加(检查约束)
alter table emp add constraint ck_1 check(empsalary>2000 and empsalary<20000);
insert into emp (empid,empsalary) values (13,300000);
create table shiyan
a int identity(10,2)
alter table shiyan add b varchar(20);
insert into shiyan values('安琪儿1');
insert into shiyan values('安琪儿2');
select *from shiyan ;
insert into shiyan values(18,'安琪儿18');

set identity_insert shiyan ON ; --解决不能随意插入有设置自动增长的字段的方法
insert into shiyan (a,b)values(18,'安琪儿18'); --必须写出字段名
insert into shiyan values(19,'安琪儿19'); --这种形式在该种情况下不能插入数据
select *from shiyan;

select count(empid ),substring(empname,1,1) from emp
group by substring(empname,1,1);
select count(empid),datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) from emp
group by datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate());
select max(empsalary) 最高工资,
min(empsalary) 最低工资,
avg(empsalary) 平均工资 ,
max(empbirth) 最大生日,
min(empbirth) 最小生日 from emp;

alter table emp add sex varchar(1); --添加性别字段
update emp set sex =0 where empid in (1,3,5,7,8,9,10);
update emp set sex=1 where empid in (2,4,6,11,12);
select *from emp ;
update emp set empold = datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) from emp; --更新人员表中所有成员的年龄
select count(empid) 数量 ,sex from emp
group by sex;
update emp set empsalary=8000 where empid in (1,2,3,4,5,6);
update emp set empsalary=8500 where empid between 7 and 12;
select * from emp;
select count(empid ) 人数 ,substring(empname,1,1)姓氏 ,sex 性别
from emp
group by substring(empname,1,1),sex ;

select count (empid) 人数 ,substring(empname,1,1) 姓氏 ,datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) 年龄
from emp
group by substring(empname,1,1),datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) ;

select count(empid) 人数 ,substring(empname,1,1) 姓氏 ,datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate()) 年龄
from emp
group by substring(empname,1,1),datediff(yyyy,empbirth,getdate());

select count(empid),empid
from kq
where substring(convert(char(20),sbtime,121),12,5)> '08:30'
group by empid;

select *from kq;
select count(empid) 迟到次数 ,substring(convert(char(20),sbtime,121),1,7) 年月
from kq
where substring(convert(char(20),sbtime,121),12,5)> '08:30'
group by substring(convert(char(20),sbtime,121),1,7);


alter table emp add bmid int ;

select *from emp;
select *from bumen;
update emp set bmid=1 where empid between 1 and 3; --给人员表中的人员进行部门编号,分配所属部门
update emp set bmid=2 where empid between 4 and 6;
update emp set bmid=3 where empid between 7 and 10;
update emp set bmid=2 where empid between 11 and 12;
select *from emp;
select empname,empold,substring(convert(char(20),empbirth,121),6,5) 生日
from emp
where empname like '张%' or bmid=3
order by empold desc ;
----.查询人员表中名字包含'国'的并且年龄分别为21、22、24的人员的姓名、部门名称、年龄 --多表之间的联查要避免笛卡尔积
select a.empname,b.bmname,a.empold
from emp a,bumen b
where empname like '%国%' and empold in (21,22,24) and a.bmid=b.bmid;
insert into emp values (13,'张国立',22,'1994/09/15',9000,1,3);

select a.empname,b.bmname
from emp a,bumen b
where datalength(a.empname)>4 and a.empold between 20 and 40 and a.bmid=b.bmid;

select count(bmid) 人数,bmid 部门ID --按部门表统计
from bumen
group by bmid ;
select *from bumen ;

select count(a.empid) 人数, b.bmid --按人员表统计
from emp a, bumen b
where a.bmid=b.bmid
group by b.bmid;

select b.bmname 部门名称 ,count(a.empid) 人数
from emp a,bumen b
where a.bmid=b.bmid
group by b.bmname;
select b.bmname,sum(empsalary) 部门工资合计
from emp a,bumen b
where a.bmid=b.bmid
group by b.bmname
order by b.bmname desc ,sum(empsalary) desc ;
select b.bmname,count(c.empid) 迟到人数
from emp a,bumen b,kq c
where a.empid=c.empid and a.bmid=b.bmid and
group by b.bmname;
select b.bmname 部门名称,substring(convert(char(20),c.sbtime,121),1,7) 年月 ,count(c.empid) 迟到人数
from emp a,bumen b,kq c
where substring(convert(char(20),sbtime,121),12,5)>'08:30'
and a.empid=c.empid and a.bmid=b.bmid
group by b.bmname,substring(convert(char(20),c.sbtime,121),1,7);


--Select * from table1 full outer join table2 on table1.num2=table2.num2;

--部门 月份 迟到人数
--市场部 2016.1 2
--市场部 2016.2 3
--市场部 2016.3 4
--开发部 2016.1 5
--开发部 2016.2 6
--开发部 2016.3 2

select b.bmname,substring(convert(char(20),c.sbtime,121),1,7) as 年月,
count(c.empid) as 迟到人数
from emp a,bumen b,kq c
where substring(convert(char(20),c.sbtime,121),12,5)>'08:30'
and a.empid=c.empid and a.bmid=b.bmid
group by b.bmname,substring(convert(char(20),c.sbtime,121),1,7);

--工资等级 人数
--2000以下 1
--2001-3000 3
--3001-4000 2
--4001-5000 2
--5000以上 1
select *from emp;
select '2000以下' as 工资等级 ,count(empid) 人数 from emp where empsalary>0 and empsalary<2000
select '2001-3000' as 工资等级 ,count(empid) 人数 from emp where empsalary >2001 and empsalary<3000
select '3001-4000' as 工资等级,count(empid) 人数 from emp where empsalary between 3001 and 4000
select '4001-5000' as 工资等级,count(empid) 人数 from emp where empsalary between 4001 and 5000
select '5001-6000' as 工资等级, count(empid) 人数 from emp where empsalary between 5001 and 6000
select '6001-7000' as 工资等级, count(empid) 人数 from emp where empsalary between 6001 and 7000
select '7001-8000' as 工资等级, count (empid) 人数 from emp where empsalary between 7001 and 8000
select '8001-9000' as 工资等级,count(empid) 人数 from emp where empsalary between 8001 and 9000
select '9001-10000' as 工资等级,count(empid) 人数 from emp where empsalary between 9001 and 10000;

update emp set empsalary=2000 where empid=1;
update emp set empsalary=2967 where empid=2;
update emp set empsalary=3008 where empid=2;
update emp set empsalary=4007 where empid=3;
update emp set empsalary=5218 where empid=4;
update emp set empsalary=6899 where empid=5;
update emp set empsalary=7803 where empid=6;

--L2000以下 L2001-3000 L3001-4000 L4001-5000 L5000以上
-- 1 3 2 2 1

(select count(empid) from emp where empsalary <2000 ) '2000以下',
(select count(empid) from emp where empsalary between 2001 and 3000) '2001 - 3000',
(select count(empid) from emp where empsalary between 3001 and 4000) '3001-4000',
(select count(empid) from emp where empsalary between 4001 and 5000) '4001-5000',
(select count(empid) from emp where empsalary between 5001 and 6000) '5001-6000',
(select count(empid) from emp where empsalary between 6001 and 7000) '6001-7000',
(select count(empid) from emp where empsalary between 7001 and 8000) '7001-8000',
(select count(empid) from emp where empsalary between 8001 and 9000) '8001-9000';

--语句块实现 对1..100的偶数求和

declare @a int; --声明定义一个整型变量a
declare @sum int; --声明定义一个整型变量sum
begin --处理开始
set @a=0; --为变量a 赋初始值
set @sum=0; --为变量sum 赋初始值
while (@a<=100) --循环条件 判断
begin --循环语句开始
set @sum=@sum+@a; --赋值语句
set @a=@a+2;
end --结束循环语句
print @sum; --打印输出结果
end ; --结束

create view v_1 as
select empid,empname from emp where empid in (1,2,3,4,5); --创建视图成功
select * from v_1;

create view v_2 as --创建一个查询人员表全部信息的视图
select *from emp;

drop view v_2; --同删除表操作

drop view v_3;
create view v_4 as
select empid,empname from emp ;

create index index_1 on emp(empname); --在人员表名字那一列创建索引 允许使用重复的值:
create unique index index_2 on emp(empid) --在人员表ID那一列创建唯一性索引 唯一的索引意味着两个行不能拥有相同的索引值
drop index index_1 on emp ; --删除索引
select empname from emp where empname='anqier'; --如此可提高查询速度 --索引的使用


select *from emp;
begin transaction
update emp set empname='安琪儿' where empid=1 ;
delete from table emp where empname='张三';
rollback transaction;
end ;

--存储过程:将某些需要多次调用的/实现某个特定任务的代码段编写成一个过程 ,
create procedure p_1 as --创建存储过程
update emp set empname='安琪儿1' where empid=1 ; -- 存储过程里面可包含多个语句
select empname from emp where empid in(1,2,4);
select *from bumen;

drop procedure p_1; --删除存储过程
execute p_1; --调用存储过程

create trigger tr_1 on emp for delete as
print '人员表正在删除数据'

--delete 可换成insert/update 等
delete from emp where empid=13;


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文章浏览阅读773次。我在使用adb.exe时遇到了麻烦.我想使用与bash相同的adb.exe shell提示符,所以我决定更改默认的bash二进制文件(当然二进制文件是交叉编译的,一切都很完美)更改bash二进制文件遵循以下顺序> adb remount> adb push bash / system / bin /> adb shell> cd / system / bin> chm..._adb shell mv 权限


文章浏览阅读6.8k次,点赞12次,收藏125次。1. 单目相机标定引言相机标定已经研究多年,标定的算法可以分为基于摄影测量的标定和自标定。其中,应用最为广泛的还是张正友标定法。这是一种简单灵活、高鲁棒性、低成本的相机标定算法。仅需要一台相机和一块平面标定板构建相机标定系统,在标定过程中,相机拍摄多个角度下(至少两个角度,推荐10~20个角度)的标定板图像(相机和标定板都可以移动),即可对相机的内外参数进行标定。下面介绍张氏标定法(以下也这么称呼)的原理。原理相机模型和单应矩阵相机标定,就是对相机的内外参数进行计算的过程,从而得到物体到图像的投影_相机-投影仪标定


文章浏览阅读2.2k次。文章目录Wayland 架构Wayland 渲染Wayland的 硬件支持简 述: 翻译一篇关于和 wayland 有关的技术文章, 其英文标题为Wayland Architecture .Wayland 架构若是想要更好的理解 Wayland 架构及其与 X (X11 or X Window System) 结构;一种很好的方法是将事件从输入设备就开始跟踪, 查看期间所有的屏幕上出现的变化。这就是我们现在对 X 的理解。 内核是从一个输入设备中获取一个事件,并通过 evdev 输入_wayland


