ONNX_onnx-tool 0.7.4-程序员宅基地

技术标签: CNN部署  


Open Neural Network Exchange(ONNX,开放神经网络交换)格式,是一个用于表示深度学习模型的标准,可使模型在不同框架之间进行转移(一般用于中间部署阶段)。

ONNX的规范及代码主要微软,亚马逊 ,Facebook 和 IBM 等公司共同开发,以开放源代码的方式托管在Github上。

目前官方支持加载ONNX模型并进行推理的深度学习框架有: Caffe2, PyTorch, MXNet,ML.NET,TensorRT 和 Microsoft CNTK,并且 TensorFlow 也非官方的支持ONNX。


  • 可扩展计算图模型的定义
  • 标准数据类型的定义
  • 内置运算符的定义


  • Pytorch -> ONNX -> TensorRT
  • Pytorch -> ONNX -> TVM
  • TF – ONNX – ncnn










ONNX IR version: 0.0.3
Opset version: 9
Producer name: pytorch
Producer version: 0.4





// Copyright (c) Facebook Inc. and Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.

syntax = "proto2";

// ... 省略了一部分

// Nodes
// Computation graphs are made up of a DAG of nodes, which represent what is
// commonly called a "layer" or "pipeline stage" in machine learning frameworks.
// For example, it can be a node of type "Conv" that takes in an image, a filter 
// tensor and a bias tensor, and produces the convolved output.

// Node就是神经网络中的一个个操作结点,例如conv、reshape、relu等之类的操作 

message NodeProto {
  repeated string input = 1;    // namespace Value
  repeated string output = 2;   // namespace Value

  // An optional identifier for this node in a graph.
  // This field MAY be absent in ths version of the IR.
  optional string name = 3;     // namespace Node

  // The symbolic identifier of the Operator to execute.
  optional string op_type = 4;  // namespace Operator
  // The domain of the OperatorSet that specifies the operator named by op_type.
  optional string domain = 7;   // namespace Domain

  // Additional named attributes.
  // attribute表示这个节点中的一些信息,对于conv结点来说,例如kernel大小、stride大小等
  repeated AttributeProto attribute = 5;

  // A human-readable documentation for this node. Markdown is allowed.
  optional string doc_string = 6;

// Models
// ModelProto is a top-level file/container format for bundling a ML model and
// associating its computation graph with metadata.
// The semantics of the model are described by the associated GraphProto.
// Models作为最大的单位,包含了Graph以及一些其他版本信息
message ModelProto {
  // The version of the IR this model targets. See Version enum above.
  // This field MUST be present.
  optional int64 ir_version = 1;

  // The OperatorSets this model relies on.
  // All ModelProtos MUST have at least one entry that
  // specifies which version of the ONNX OperatorSet is
  // being imported.
  // All nodes in the ModelProto's graph will bind against the operator
  // with the same-domain/same-op_type operator with the HIGHEST version
  // in the referenced operator sets.
  repeated OperatorSetIdProto opset_import = 8;

  // The name of the framework or tool used to generate this model.
  // This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework
  // emitted the model.
  optional string producer_name = 2;

  // The version of the framework or tool used to generate this model.
  // This field SHOULD be present to indicate which implementation/tool/framework
  // emitted the model.
  optional string producer_version = 3;

  // Domain name of the model.
  // We use reverse domain names as name space indicators. For example:
  // com.facebook.fair or com.microsoft.cognitiveservices
  // Together with model_version and GraphProto.name, this forms the unique identity of
  // the graph.
  optional string domain = 4;

  // The version of the graph encoded. See Version enum below.
  optional int64 model_version = 5;

  // A human-readable documentation for this model. Markdown is allowed.
  optional string doc_string = 6;

  // The parameterized graph that is evaluated to execute the model.
  // 重要部分,graph即包含了网络信息的有向无环图
  optional GraphProto graph = 7;

  // Named metadata values; keys should be distinct.
  repeated StringStringEntryProto metadata_props = 14;

// StringStringEntryProto follows the pattern for cross-proto-version maps.
// See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#maps
message StringStringEntryProto {
  optional string key = 1;
  optional string value= 2;

// Graphs
// A graph defines the computational logic of a model and is comprised of a parameterized 
// list of nodes that form a directed acyclic graph based on their inputs and outputs.
// This is the equivalent of the "network" or "graph" in many deep learning
// frameworks.
// Graphs是最重要的部分,里面包含了模型的构造和模型的权重等一切我们需要的信息
message GraphProto {
  // The nodes in the graph, sorted topologically.
  // 经过拓扑排序后的node,也就是结点,每个结点代表模型中的一个操作,例如conv
  repeated NodeProto node = 1;

  // The name of the graph.
  optional string name = 2;   // namespace Graph

  // A list of named tensor values, used to specify constant inputs of the graph.
  // Each TensorProto entry must have a distinct name (within the list) that
  // also appears in the input list.
  // initializer存储了模型中的所有参数,也就是我们平时所说的模型权重
  repeated TensorProto initializer = 5;

  // A human-readable documentation for this graph. Markdown is allowed.
  optional string doc_string = 10;

  // The inputs and outputs of the graph.
  repeated ValueInfoProto input = 11;   // 模型中所有的输入,包括最开始输入的图像以及每个结点的输入信息
  repeated ValueInfoProto output = 12;

  // Information for the values in the graph. The ValueInfoProto.name's
  // must be distinct. It is optional for a value to appear in value_info list.
  repeated ValueInfoProto value_info = 13;

  // DO NOT USE the following fields, they were deprecated from earlier versions.
  // repeated string input = 3;
  // repeated string output = 4;
  // optional int64 ir_version = 6;
  // optional int64 producer_version = 7;
  // optional string producer_tag = 8;
  // optional string domain = 9;

// Tensors
// A serialized tensor value.
message TensorProto {
  enum DataType {
    UNDEFINED = 0;
    // Basic types.
    FLOAT = 1;   // float
    UINT8 = 2;   // uint8_t
    INT8 = 3;    // int8_t
    UINT16 = 4;  // uint16_t
    INT16 = 5;   // int16_t
    INT32 = 6;   // int32_t
    INT64 = 7;   // int64_t
    STRING = 8;  // string
    BOOL = 9;    // bool

    // IEEE754 half-precision floating-point format (16 bits wide).
    // This format has 1 sign bit, 5 exponent bits, and 10 mantissa bits.
    FLOAT16 = 10;

    DOUBLE = 11;
    UINT32 = 12;
    UINT64 = 13;
    COMPLEX64 = 14;     // complex with float32 real and imaginary components
    COMPLEX128 = 15;    // complex with float64 real and imaginary components

    // Non-IEEE floating-point format based on IEEE754 single-precision
    // floating-point number truncated to 16 bits.
    // This format has 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits, and 7 mantissa bits.
    BFLOAT16 = 16;

    // Future extensions go here.

  // The shape of the tensor.
  repeated int64 dims = 1;

  // The data type of the tensor.
  // This field MUST have a valid TensorProto.DataType value
  optional int32 data_type = 2;


// Defines a tensor shape. A dimension can be either an integer value
// or a symbolic variable. A symbolic variable represents an unknown
// dimension.
message TensorShapeProto {
  message Dimension {
    oneof value {
      int64 dim_value = 1;
      string dim_param = 2;   // namespace Shape
    // Standard denotation can optionally be used to denote tensor
    // dimensions with standard semantic descriptions to ensure
    // that operations are applied to the correct axis of a tensor.
    // Refer to https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/master/docs/DimensionDenotation.md#denotation-definition
    // for pre-defined dimension denotations.
    optional string denotation = 3;
  repeated Dimension dim = 1;  // 该Tensor的维数 

// Operator Sets
// OperatorSets are uniquely identified by a (domain, opset_version) pair.
message OperatorSetIdProto {
  // The domain of the operator set being identified.
  // The empty string ("") or absence of this field implies the operator
  // set that is defined as part of the ONNX specification.
  // This field MUST be present in this version of the IR when referring to any other operator set.
  optional string domain = 1;

  // The version of the operator set being identified.
  // This field MUST be present in this version of the IR.
  optional int64 version = 2;


安装onnx很简单,我们只需要pip onnx即可,这样的同时也将protobuf安装。


model = test_model()
state = torch.load('test.pth')
model.load_state_dict(state['model'], strict=True)

example = torch.rand(1, 3, 128, 128)

torch_out = torch.onnx.export(model,



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