Automation Anywhere进阶培训-2. Working with Developer & Runtime Clients_antomation anywhere process-程序员宅基地

技术标签: AA  RPA  AutomationAnywhere  

    1. How to record - simple, object and web Task and run it?

Automation Anywhere provides several ways to create automation tasks. To ensure that we create a reliable task, you should select the right method. When planning your automation task, be sure to select the Recorder (or Task Editor) that best matches the behavior of your task.

  • Record - It provides the easiest way to create simple automation tasks. After recording a task using the Standard Recorder, you can make changes to it by using the Task Editor.
  • Web Recorder - It understands all web controls. Therefore it is applicable only for recording web based automation tasks. If website controls on a page move location, the program can locate the correct controls and adjust the task to run without error. If the properties of the web controls change, the automation task can be updated to ensure that the task runs successfully.
  • Object Recorder - Use it to capture Windows control actions such as text in drop-down menus, list boxes, and buttons; the status of radio buttons and check boxes, click actions, capturing tree views, and more. Refer Using the Object Recorder for details.
  • Task Editor - Use it to create tasks manually. You can assign relevant actions to the task using the commands provided in the editor. Refer Using the Task Editor for details.

Once recoding of a Task is completed you need to Save the Task with a proper relevant name.


Running Your Recorded Tasks

You can run the task that you recorded by choosing one of the following methods:

  • Select the task in the Task List and  click on button.


  • Double-click on the task in the Task List.




    1. How to edit an automation task?

After initially creating an automation task, you can edit the task using the Task Editor to add, modify, or delete actions and steps to the process.

For example, you might want to remove all built-in delays to increase the speed of the task when it is run.

You can open a task in the Task Editor in the following ways:

  • Select (highlight) the task  and click the button.


  • Right-click on the task, and select Edit from the pop-up menu.


Below is the Task Editor Window in which selected task is ready for editing.            



    1. What are task activities, schedule and trigger?

The Automation Anywhere Scheduler enables you to schedule automated tasks to run at preferred times, without requiring supervision or intervention.

Scheduling Tasks

Automated tasks and process workflows can be scheduled to run as shown:

Schedule a task using the Scheduler by following these steps:

  1. Select the task that you want to schedule.
  2. Click the Schedule tab.
  3. Set the scheduling information for time, date, and frequency.
  4. Click on Save.
  5. Provide your Windows user name and password.
  6. Schedule a task to run, multiple times. To add more scheduled times, click the Add button.

Automation Anywhere provides scheduling options for running tasks with the following frequencies:

  • Daily (for example, every day, only weekdays, or every 2 days)
  • Weekly (specific days of the week; for example, Mondays)
  • Monthly (specific days of the month; for example, January 1 and October 5)
  • One time only
  • When the computer is started
  • When you log onto the computer
  • When the computer is idle

Entering Windows Login Information

For security reasons, when scheduling tasks to run using the Scheduler, you may be required to enter the Windows user name and password. This security check ensures that only the machine owner can schedule tasks to run.




Triggers to a Task 

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