
技术标签: ViewUI  webpack  前端  javascript  


上次我发布了标记为Python的TOP 100文章。

在本文中,我们将介绍与JavaScript相关的TOP 200文章。

阅读所有5200篇以上文章所需的时间? 超过15天,不停。
是时候阅读前200篇文章了? 1天
在媒体上标记为JavaScript的文章的平均阅读时间为3.2分钟,上部铰链为5分钟,上部晶须为10分钟,下部铰链为2分钟。 推荐的中位数为4,上部铰链为20,上部晶须为49。









六。 这是清单:

林·克拉克 (31,95位),

Preethi Kasireddy (职位85,118,119),

埃米莉亚·史密斯Emelia Smith) (第89位),

玛丽亚·迪明斯基Mariya Diminsky) (第139位),

索尼娅·莫伊塞特Sonya Moisset) (161位),

乔安妮 (位置194)

注意。 数据很旧,我于2016年12月至2017年1月收集了数据。


我开始报废medium.com的目的是让自己成为数据科学家,以便我可以以数据科学家/ Growth Hacker的身份受雇/加入一家初创公司。


2月,罗马尼亚政府希望使腐败和贿赂合法化。 通过两年前我建立的FB页面Corruption Kills,我专心致志地组织了罗马尼亚历史上规模最大的抗议活动(约60万人参加了抗议活动)(我们经常使用Slack),还做了一些民间项目,在过去的6个月中,直到现在我都没有时间来处理我从Medium获得的数据。


33个链接。 凯尔撰写的文章

30个链接。 本杰明·利伯Benjamin Libor)撰写的文章

28个链接。 凯文·奥肖尼斯Kevin O'Shaughnessy)撰写的文章

23个链接。 本杰明·利伯Benjamin Libor)撰写的文章

22个链接。 埃里克·鲁伊斯Eric Ruiz)撰写的文章


  1. 中级用户Charles Scalfani在题为“所以你想成为一个功能程序员(第1部分)”的帖子中总共获得6027条推荐。

2.中级用户Quincy Larson在题为“您应该首先学习哪种编程语言?”的帖子中总共获得5820条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,“技术”,“生活课程”,启动,JavaScript。

3.中级用户Drew Hamlett对于标题为“ Web开发的悲惨状态”的帖子总共获得了4788条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,React,“ Web开发”。


4.中级用户Sacha Greif在题为“治疗JavaScript疲劳的学习计划”的帖子中总共获得4186条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“生活课程”,技术,反应,“ Web开发”。

5.中级用户Francois Ward在题为“ 2016年最先进的JavaScript”的帖子中获得了3345条推荐。

6.中级用户Jonathan Z. White在题为“从零到前端英雄(第1部分)”的帖子中获得了3116条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:CSS,“ Web开发”,“前端开发”,技术,JavaScript。

7.中级用户David Gilbertson的帖子标题为“我学到的使世界上最快的网站学习的10件事”,总共获得2828条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“ Web开发”,性能,“ Web性能”,“ Web设计”。

8.中级用户Cory House对于标题为“ Angular 2 vs React:会有血腥”的帖子,共获得2562条推荐。

9.中级用户Artem Sapegin总共收到2365条推荐,因为标题为“ 2017年是前端开发人员应该回头并掌握基础知识的一年”。
该帖子具有以下标签:编程,JavaScript,“前端开发”,写作,“ Web开发”。

10.中级用户Swagat Kumar Swain对于标题为“您可能不知道可以使用Chrome开发人员控制台进行的操作”的帖子,总共获得2355条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,编程,“ Web开发”,Chrome,技术。

11.中级用户Quincy Larson在题为“ JavaScript Fatigue Fatigue”的帖子中总共获得2334条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,编程,“生活课程”,启动。

12.中级用户Charles Scalfani对于标题为“所以你想成为一个功能程序员(第2部分)”的帖子,总共获得了2242条推荐。

13.中级用户Petr Gazarov v在标题为“什么是API? 请用英语。”。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,技术,“生活课程”,技术。

14.中级用户Sergei Garcia总共收到了2077条推荐,该帖子的标题是“两年后,我从没有CS学位的工作经历重新开始成为Web开发人员(以及我……)”。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,CSS,HTML,“前端开发”。

15.中级用户Dan Abramov在题为“您可能不需要Redux”的帖子中总共获得1914条推荐。

16.中级用户Vincent O对于标题为“是否想学习JavaScript?”的帖子,总共获得1733条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“ Web开发”,编程,学习。

17.中级用户Preethi Kasireddy在标题为“ JavaScript模块:初学者指南”的帖子中总共获得1594条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,ES6,“ Web开发”,教育,编程。

18.中级用户Lin Clark在题为“通量卡通指南”的帖子中获得了1588条推荐。

19.中级用户Eric Clemmons在标题为“ Javascript疲劳”的帖子中总共获得1581条推荐。

20.中级用户Addy Osmani对于标题为“带有React.js的渐进式Web应用程序:第一部分–简介”的帖子共获得1524条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,移动,“ Progressive Web App”,React,JavaScript。

21.中级用户rajaraodv在标题为“ Webpack –令人困惑的部分”的帖子中总共获得1495条推荐。

22.中级用户Sacha Greif在题为“ React的死亡的五根手指”的帖子中获得了1450条推荐。 掌握这五个概念,然后掌握React。”。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,React,“ Web开发”,编程,技术。

23.中级用户Jonathan Z. White在题为“从零到前端英雄(第2部分)”的帖子中获得了共1422条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“ Web开发”,“前端开发”,设计,技术。

24.中级用户Charles Scalfani在题为“所以你想成为一个功能程序员(第3部分)”的帖子中总共获得1365条推荐。

25.中级用户Arunoda Susiripala在题为“ React Storybook简介”的帖子中获得了总共1345条推荐。

26.中级用户Alex Moldovan对于标题为“ Model-View-Controller是否死在前端?”的帖子,总共获得了1323条推荐
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,反应,编程,“ Web开发”,“软件开发”。

27.中级用户Alex Moldovan总共收到1315条推荐,因为该帖子的标题是“全栈开发还不错。 并且有充分的理由。”
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,编程,JavaScript,技术,启动。

28.中级用户David Gilbertson对于题为“我在阅读NodeJS文档时学到的19件事”的帖子共获得1264条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,Nodejs,“ Web开发”,网络。

29.中级用户Jonathan Z. White的标题为“破解前端面试”的建议总共有1226条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“前端开发”,“ Web开发”,JavaScript,学习,技术。

30.中级用户Cory House的标题为“为什么我要为npm脚本留下牙胶和咕unt声”,因此获得了总共1188条推荐。

31.中级用户Lin Clark在题为“ Redux的卡通简介”的帖子中获得了总共1175条推荐。

32.中级用户Quincy Larson总共收到1098条推荐,因为该帖子的标题为“为什么Chrome的自动完成功能不安全以及如何将其关闭”。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,“ Web开发”,安全性,技术,“生活经验教训”。

33.中级用户Chet Corcos的帖子“ JavaScript People的功能编程”总共获得了1093条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“功能编程”,JavaScript,“ Web开发”。

34.中级用户@an_ennui在标题为“ Webpack 2入门”的帖子中获得了总共1011条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,Webpack,“ Web开发”,“前端开发”,“ Webpack 2”。

35.中级用户Dan Abramov在题为“如何使用课程和夜间睡眠”的帖子中总共获得了1072条推荐。

36.中级用户David Gilbertson对于标题为“使用这9985个怪异技巧的网站开发”的帖子共获得1027条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,“ Web设计”,HTML5,CSS。

37.中级用户Jackson Bates总共收到1020条推荐,该帖子的标题为“我从编写六个函数时都学到的东西中学到了什么”。
该帖子具有以下标签:JavaScript,编程,技术,“生活课程”,“ Web开发”。

38.中级用户Charles Scalfani对于题为“所以你想成为一个功能程序员(第4部分)”的帖子,总共获得1010条推荐。

39.中级用户David Gilbertson的帖子标题为“我如何将React应用程序转换为VanillaJS(以及这是否是一个糟糕的主意)”,总共获得997条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:React,JavaScript,“ Web开发”,编程。

40.中级用户Sacha Greif在标题为“ JavaScript状态:前端框架”的帖子中获得了978条推荐。

41.中级用户David Gilbertson对于标题为“验证电子邮件地址的100%正确方法”的帖子共获得949条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:设计,“ Web开发”,Regex,JavaScript,“ Web设计”。

42.中级用户Learn chantastic对于标题为“容器组件”的帖子共获得925条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:Reactjs,JavaScript,“ Web开发”。

43.中级用户Addy Osmani在标题为“渐进式Web应用程序的离线存储”的帖子中总共获得881条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,存储,离线。

44.中级用户Addy Osmani在标题为“使用Application Shell架构即时加载Web应用程序”的帖子中获得了850条推荐。
该帖子具有以下标签:“ Web开发”,JavaScript,离线。

45.中级用户Kristian Poslek在标题为“使用Electron构建桌面应用程序”的帖子中总共获得834条推荐。

46.中级用户Charles Scalfani在题为“您想成为功能程序员(第6部分)”的帖子中获得819条推荐。

47.中级用户Bill Sourour共获得813条推荐,因为该帖子的标题为“代码依赖就是魔鬼”。
该帖子具有以下标签:编程,“ Web开发”,JavaScript,技术,启动。


48.中级用户Eric Baer的标题为“使用React是业务决策,而不是技术选择”,总共获得812条推荐。

49. The medium user Charles Scalfani got a total of 805 recommends, for the post titled “So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 5)”.
The post has the the following tags: “Functional Programming”,Programming,Tech,Technology,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 5 images.

50. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 803 recommends, for the post titled “Step by Step Guide To Building React Redux Apps”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Redux,Tech,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 18 links and 12 images.

51. The medium user Mark Dalgleish got a total of 794 recommends, for the post titled “The End of Global CSS”.
The post has the the following tags: CSS,JavaScript,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 6.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

52. The medium user Paul Irish got a total of 781 recommends, for the post titled “Debugging Node.js with Chrome DevTools”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs.
The reading time of the article is 1 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

53. The medium user Roneesh got a total of 713 recommends, for the post titled “I finally made sense of front end build tools. You can, too.”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,”Front End Development”,Nodejs,NPM.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 5 images.

54. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 676 recommends, for the post titled “Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 2 — Page Load Performance”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”Progressive Web App”,Mobile,Performance.
The reading time of the article is 16.3 minutes.
The post contains 15 links and 15 images.

55. The medium user Jolyon Russ got a total of 656 recommends, for the post titled “11 lessons learned as a React contractor”.
The post has the the following tags: 2016,JavaScript,React.
The reading time of the article is 6 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

56. The medium user Dan Abramov got a total of 652 recommends, for the post titled “Hot Reloading in React”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 19.5 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

57. The medium user Mariko Kosaka got a total of 649 recommends, for the post titled “How to be* a compiler — make a compiler with JavaScript”.
The post has the the following tags: Compilers,Programming,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 7.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

58. The medium user Mike Bostock got a total of 645 recommends, for the post titled “Introducing d3-scale”.
The post has the the following tags: D3,JavaScript,”Data Visualization”.
The reading time of the article is 5.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 12 images.

59. The medium user @michaelolo got a total of 639 recommends, for the post titled “Recursion, Recursion, Recursion”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Tech,”Life Lessons”,”Learning To Code”.
The reading time of the article is 5.1 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.


60. The medium user Rich Klein got a total of 617 recommends, for the post titled “How My 10-Year-Old Learned Javascript”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,Education,Parenting,JavaScript,”Learning To Code”.
The reading time of the article is 7.1 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

61. The medium user Illya Klymov got a total of 616 recommends, for the post titled “ Frontend Dev: хороший, плохой, злой. Часть 3: Злой путь ”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Learning.
The reading time of the article is 8.1 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 3 images.

62. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 601 recommends, for the post titled “5 JavaScript “Bad” Parts That Are Fixed In ES6”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,ES6,Programming,”Web Development”,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 5.2 minutes.
The post contains 15 links and 11 images.

63. The medium user Samer Buna got a total of 561 recommends, for the post titled “So you want to be a professional coder?”.
The post has the the following tags: Coding,Programming,JavaScript,Opinion,Advice.
The reading time of the article is 8.4 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 1 image.

64. The medium user Mike Roberts got a total of 550 recommends, for the post titled “A discussion about the breaking of the Internet”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Open Source”.
The reading time of the article is 4.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

65. The medium user Ashwin Hariharan got a total of 540 recommends, for the post titled “How to build your own Uber-for-X App”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Startup,Tech,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 9.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 6 images.

66. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 528 recommends, for the post titled “Functional Programming In JS — With Practical Examples (Part 1)”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”Functional Programming”,Programming,Angularjs.
The reading time of the article is 8.7 minutes.
The post contains 18 links and 3 images.

67. The medium user Daniel Reis got a total of 526 recommends, for the post titled “Beyond Console Debugging Tricks”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Debugging,”Enterprise Mobility”,Outsystems.
The reading time of the article is 4.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

68. The medium user Nader Dabit got a total of 523 recommends, for the post titled “The Cost of Native Mobile App Development is Too Damn High!”.
The post has the the following tags: “Mobile App Development”,Startup,React,”React Native”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 8 links and 9 images.

69. The medium user Evan You got a total of 522 recommends, for the post titled “Vue in 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Vuejs.
The reading time of the article is 5.1 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

70. The medium user Will Becker got a total of 517 recommends, for the post titled “Redux best practices”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 8.6 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 0 images.

71. The medium user Flaki got a total of 515 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript World Domination”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,IoT,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 22.9 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 25 images.

72. The medium user Alberto Varela got a total of 509 recommends, for the post titled “So I benchmarked Yarn against the 4 most popular CI tools.”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs,”Web Development”,Programming,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

73. The medium user David Gilbertson got a total of 508 recommends, for the post titled “Cross-site scripting for dummies”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Security,Hacking,Website.
The reading time of the article is 9 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 5 images.

74. The medium user Cory House got a total of 508 recommends, for the post titled “React Stateless Functional Components: Nine Wins You Might Have Overlooked”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,ES6.
The reading time of the article is 3.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

75. The medium user @dickeyxxx got a total of 497 recommends, for the post titled “Best Practices for Building Angular.js Apps”.
The post has the the following tags: Angularjs,JavaScript,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 12.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

76. The medium user Gant Laborde got a total of 497 recommends, for the post titled “NPM vs Yarn Cheat Sheet”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,NPM,Yarn,Node,Cheatsheet.
The reading time of the article is 2.8 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 4 images.

77. The medium user Thomas Fuchs got a total of 496 recommends, for the post titled “What if we had a great standard library in JavaScript?”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 5.6 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 4 images.

78. The medium user Anthony Gore got a total of 494 recommends, for the post titled “React or Vue: Which Javascript UI Library Should You Be Using?”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Vuejs,”Web Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 7.9 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

79. The medium user Milo Mordaunt got a total of 492 recommends, for the post titled “Tutorial: Handcrafting an Isomorphic Redux Application (With Love)”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 14.9 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

80. The medium user deathmood got a total of 490 recommends, for the post titled “How to write your own Virtual DOM”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”Front End Development”.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 6 images.

81. The medium user David Gilbertson got a total of 486 recommends, for the post titled “What you don`t know about web development”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Learning,”Learning To Code”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

82. The medium user Dan Abramov got a total of 485 recommends, for the post titled “Asking Good Questions”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 6.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

83. The medium user Ryan Chartrand got a total of 480 recommends, for the post titled “The top rising JavaScript trends to watch in 2017”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Programming,”Web Development”,”Functional Programming”.
The reading time of the article is 5.8 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 2 images.

84. The medium user Bradley Nice got a total of 478 recommends, for the post titled “Free eBooks for Web Designers & Developers”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,”Web Design”,HTML,JavaScript,UX.
The reading time of the article is 8.3 minutes.
The post contains 8 links and 28 images.


85. The medium user Preethi Kasireddy got a total of 465 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Modules Part 2: Module Bundling”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,ES6,Programming,Technology,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 10 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 2 images.

86. The medium user Sacha Greif got a total of 465 recommends, for the post titled “The State Of JavaScript 2016: Results”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Startups,”Data Science”,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 4.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

87. The medium user Tal Kol got a total of 464 recommends, for the post titled “Redux Step by Step: A Simple and Robust Workflow for Real Life Apps”.
The post has the the following tags: React,Redux,JavaScript,”React Native”,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 12.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 4 images.

88. The medium user Tyler McGinnis got a total of 446 recommends, for the post titled “React `Aha` Moments”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,”Web Development”,”Software Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 4.9 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 1 image.

89. The medium user Emelia Smith got a total of 445 recommends, for the post titled “The Most Common XSS Vulnerability in React.js Applications”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Security,Xss.
The reading time of the article is 2.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

90. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 444 recommends, for the post titled “A Guide For Building A React Redux CRUD App”.
The post has the the following tags: React,Redux,JavaScript,Tech,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 9.9 minutes.
The post contains 17 links and 18 images.

91. The medium user Patrick Hund got a total of 428 recommends, for the post titled “Testing a React-driven websiteâ€s SEO using “Fetch as Google””.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,SEO,”Web Development”,Startup.
The reading time of the article is 4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

92. The medium user Nash Vail got a total of 425 recommends, for the post titled “A gentle introduction to React Motion”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Animation,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 6.4 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 16 images.

93. The medium user Mark Brouch got a total of 420 recommends, for the post titled “Make Your React Components Pretty đź'…”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Jsx,Azure,Webpack.
The reading time of the article is 7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 7 images.

94. The medium user Kitze got a total of 417 recommends, for the post titled “How it actually feels to write JavaScript in 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React.
The reading time of the article is 1.9 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

95. The medium user Lin Clark got a total of 415 recommends, for the post titled “A cartoon guide to Facebookâ€s Relay, part 1”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 6 minutes.
The post contains 7 links and 18 images.

96. The medium user Kevin Kononenko got a total of 412 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Closures Explained by Mailing a Package”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming,”Learning To Code”,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 4.3 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

97. The medium user Patrick Hund got a total of 410 recommends, for the post titled “SEO vs. React: Web Crawlers are Smarter Than You Think”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,React,SEO,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 5.1 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 8 images.

98. The medium user Tal Kol got a total of 409 recommends, for the post titled “How I Found Myself Accused of Stealing Code from WordPress”.
The post has the the following tags: “React Native”,”Open Source”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

99. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 407 recommends, for the post titled “The Inner Workings Of Virtual DOM”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Preact,Angularjs,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 10.2 minutes.
The post contains 20 links and 33 images.

100. The medium user franleplant got a total of 407 recommends, for the post titled “React Higher Order Components in depth”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,”High Order Component”.
The reading time of the article is 9.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

101. The medium user Anthony Ng got a total of 405 recommends, for the post titled “What I learned from reading the Redux source code”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Redux,”Open Source”,”Web Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 7.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 5 images.

102. The medium user Evan You got a total of 402 recommends, for the post titled “The State of Vue”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Vuejs.
The reading time of the article is 1.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

103. The medium user Matheus Lima got a total of 400 recommends, for the post titled “O que TODO desenvolvedor JavaScript precisa saber”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Front End Development”,Brasil.
The reading time of the article is 5 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

104. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 383 recommends, for the post titled “Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 3 — Offline support and network resilience”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,”Progressive Web App”,Offline,”Service Worker”.
The reading time of the article is 11.3 minutes.
The post contains 11 links and 11 images.

105. The medium user @p got a total of 382 recommends, for the post titled “Choosing Ember over React in 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Ember,Engineering,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 12.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 8 images.

106. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 379 recommends, for the post titled “Two Quick Ways To Reduce React Appâ€s Size In Production”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Tech,Reactjs,Webpack.
The reading time of the article is 2.8 minutes.
The post contains 21 links and 2 images.

107. The medium user AirbnbEng got a total of 377 recommends, for the post titled “Turbocharged JavaScript refactoring with codemods”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Front End Development”.
The reading time of the article is 6.3 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

108. The medium user Keith Horwood got a total of 375 recommends, for the post titled “Using Graph Theory to Build a Simple Recommendation Engine in JavaScript”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Graph Theory”,Startup.
The reading time of the article is 7.7 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 2 images.

109. The medium user Patryk Zabielski got a total of 370 recommends, for the post titled “How to make Multi-Layered Parallax Illustration with CSS & Javascript”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Design,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 5.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 3 images.

110. The medium user Jonas Helfer got a total of 367 recommends, for the post titled “Why GraphQL is the future”.
The post has the the following tags: Graphql,React,JavaScript,Angularjs,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 11 links and 1 image.

111. The medium user Illya Klymov got a total of 366 recommends, for the post titled “Frontend Dev: хороший, плохой, злой. Часть 1: Хороший путь”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Russian.
The reading time of the article is 6.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

112. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 361 recommends, for the post titled “Webpack Performance Budgets”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Webpack,”Web Performance”,”Web Development”,”Open Source”.
The reading time of the article is 2.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

113. The medium user Freeman Latif got a total of 358 recommends, for the post titled “After React: Elm?”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Elm.
The reading time of the article is 3.9 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

114. The medium user Osmel Mora got a total of 353 recommends, for the post titled “How to handle state in React.”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Reactjs,”Web Development”,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 5.6 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 3 images.

115. The medium user Ryan Haase got a total of 352 recommends, for the post titled “Code a fully-functional web app in 14 days…”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 6 images.

116. The medium user James Y Rauhut got a total of 350 recommends, for the post titled “How to crank your progressive web appâ€s Google Lighthouse score up to 100”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Design,Startup,UX.
The reading time of the article is 7.5 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 5 images.

117. The medium user Eliezer Steinbock got a total of 345 recommends, for the post titled “Iâ€ve been running Meteor at scale for a year now. Hereâ€s what Iâ€ve learned.”.
The post has the the following tags: Meteor,JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming,Startup.
The reading time of the article is 11.9 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 5 images.

118. The medium user Preethi Kasireddy got a total of 344 recommends, for the post titled “How the Web Works Part III: HTTP & REST”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,”Learning To Code”,Tech,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 10.7 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 6 images.

119. The medium user Preethi Kasireddy got a total of 343 recommends, for the post titled “Why use static types in JavaScript? (A 4-part primer on static typing with Flow)”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Flowtype,”Computer Science”,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 8.4 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

120. The medium user Michael Olorunnisola got a total of 340 recommends, for the post titled “A Gentle Introduction to Data Structures: How Linked Lists Work”.
The post has the the following tags: “Data Structures”,Programming,”Computer Science”,JavaScript,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 9.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 6 images.

121. The medium user Cory House got a total of 339 recommends, for the post titled “No API? 没问题! Rapid Development via Mock APIs”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Software Development”,”Web Development”,”Mobile App Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 4.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 3 images.

122. The medium user Tom Dale got a total of 338 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Frameworks: Distribution Channels for Good Ideas”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 9.5 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

123. The medium user Sacha Greif got a total of 337 recommends, for the post titled “The State Of JavaScript: JavaScript Flavors”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Typescript,Coffeescript,Elm,Clojurescript.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

124. The medium user Kristian Poslek got a total of 333 recommends, for the post titled “Anatomy of a large Angular application”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Angularjs,”Software Architecture”.
The reading time of the article is 15.9 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 10 images.

125. The medium user Fagner Brack got a total of 328 recommends, for the post titled “How To Accept Over-Engineering For What It Really Is”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,”Software Development”,”Web Development”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 5.2 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 5 images.

126. The medium user Rich Harris got a total of 326 recommends, for the post titled “How to not break the internet with this one weird trick”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,NPM,Modules.
The reading time of the article is 6.1 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 9 images.

127. The medium user André Pena got a total of 324 recommends, for the post titled “How I stay up-to-date as a Developer”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,JavaScript,Productivity,Learning,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 4.9 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 2 images.

128. The medium user Rishi Goomar got a total of 319 recommends, for the post titled “Why I think Elm is the Future of Front End Development”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Elm,”Functional Programming”,”Front End Development”,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 4.2 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

129. The medium user Dave Smith got a total of 319 recommends, for the post titled “What web framework should I learn?”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,JavaScript,Development.
The reading time of the article is 2.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

130. The medium user Josh Burgess got a total of 318 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Fatigue: An Alternative Perspective”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 4.2 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

131. The medium user Jerry Wang got a total of 316 recommends, for the post titled “The Secret To Making Your Own Facebook Messenger Bot In Less Than 15 Minutes”.
The post has the the following tags: Chatbots,”Facebook Messenger”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 6.1 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 12 images.

132. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 310 recommends, for the post titled “Progressive Web Apps with React.js: Part 4 — Progressive Enhancement”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,”Progressive Enhancement”,”Progressive Web App”,Mobile.
The reading time of the article is 13.9 minutes.
The post contains 13 links and 7 images.

133. The medium user Node.js Foundation got a total of 306 recommends, for the post titled “How Uber Uses Node.js To Scale Their Business”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 0.9 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.


134. The medium user Erik Witt got a total of 303 recommends, for the post titled “Building a Shop with Sub-Second Page Loads: Lessons Learned”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,”Wer Performance”,Caching,Networking.
The reading time of the article is 19.2 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 27 images.

135. The medium user Bradley Nice got a total of 297 recommends, for the post titled “100+ Useful Web Development Tools and Resources”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,Programming,”Front End Development”,JavaScript,Coding.
The reading time of the article is 12.5 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 20 images.

136. The medium user Nader Dabit got a total of 294 recommends, for the post titled “Beginnerâ€s Guide to React Router”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 11 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 7 images.

137. The medium user Andrew Rabon got a total of 292 recommends, for the post titled “Choosing Vanilla JavaScript in 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,CSS.
The reading time of the article is 6 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

138. The medium user Grgur Grisogono got a total of 286 recommends, for the post titled “Webpack 2 Tree Shaking Configuration”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Webpack,React,Tech,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 2 images.

139. The medium user Mariya Diminsky got a total of 286 recommends, for the post titled “Learn Node.js with Brigadier Fluffykins Part I: Sync, Async, and Creating Your First Server!”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,JavaScript,”Web Development”,Tutorial,Education.
The reading time of the article is 11.1 minutes.
The post contains 9 links and 14 images.

140. The medium user Piervincenzo Madeo got a total of 285 recommends, for the post titled “Automate your UX Design workflow with Framer.js, Gulp and Sketch”.
The post has the the following tags: UX,Framerjs,Prototyping,JavaScript,Gulp.
The reading time of the article is 16.1 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 13 images.

141. The medium user Vinicius Reis got a total of 281 recommends, for the post titled “Entenda de uma vez por todas o que Ă React.JS, Angular 2, Aurelia e Vue.JS”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Vuejs,React,Angularjs,Aurelia.
The reading time of the article is 11.1 minutes.
The post contains 8 links and 3 images.

142. The medium user Guido Schmitz got a total of 280 recommends, for the post titled “Move Fast and Donâ€t Break Things”.
The post has the the following tags: “Software Development”,”Web Development”,Tech,Programming,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 4.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 5 images.

143. The medium user Arunoda Susiripala got a total of 275 recommends, for the post titled “Say Hello to React CDK”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React.
The reading time of the article is 3.5 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 3 images.

144. The medium user Illya Klymov got a total of 273 recommends, for the post titled “ Frontend Dev: хороший, плохой, злой. Часть 2: Плохой путь ”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs.
The reading time of the article is 8.9 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 4 images.

145. The medium user Owen Campbell-Moore got a total of 272 recommends, for the post titled “Designing Great UIs for Progressive Web Apps”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,”Progressive Web App”.
The reading time of the article is 7.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 6 images.

146. The medium user Wesley Walser got a total of 270 recommends, for the post titled “The Boring Stack — The Best Way to Build Interesting Things”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,Makers,”Side Project”,JavaScript,Productivity.
The reading time of the article is 2.3 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

147. The medium user Eric Clemmons got a total of 270 recommends, for the post titled “Angular is Easy. React is Hard.”.
The post has the the following tags: Angularjs,React,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 6.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

148. The medium user Kevin Kononenko got a total of 269 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Promises Explained By Gambling At A Casino”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Education,Tech,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 5.6 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 3 images.

149. The medium user Anton Lavrenov got a total of 269 recommends, for the post titled “Progressive loading for modern web applications via code splitting”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”Web Development”,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 4.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

150. The medium user Node.js Foundation got a total of 268 recommends, for the post titled “Node.js v6 Transitions to LTS”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs,Developer,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 6.2 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 2 images.

151. The medium user Mark Dalgleish got a total of 267 recommends, for the post titled “Block, Element, Modifying Your JavaScript Components”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,CSS,”Front End Development”.
The reading time of the article is 5.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 1 image.

152. The medium user Daniel Brain got a total of 265 recommends, for the post titled “Understand promises before you start using async/await”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Promises,Asynchronous.
The reading time of the article is 6.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 0 images.

153. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 263 recommends, for the post titled “Issue 3: Terminal tips & tricks, DevTools + Service Worker Updates, Add-to-Homescreen Emulation…”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,DevOps,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 11 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 19 images.

154. The medium user Sam Corcos got a total of 263 recommends, for the post titled “Where to Hold React Component Data: state, store, static, and this”.
The post has the the following tags: React,Redux,JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 5.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

155. The medium user Eliezer Steinbock got a total of 262 recommends, for the post titled “First Experiences Scaling a Meteor App”.
The post has the the following tags: Meteor,”Web Development”,JavaScript,Tech,Startup.
The reading time of the article is 16.9 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 2 images.

156. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 261 recommends, for the post titled “Why Redux need reducers to be “pure functions””.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Tech,”Functional Programming”,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 4.5 minutes.
The post contains 21 links and 6 images.

157. The medium user Alex Moldovan got a total of 261 recommends, for the post titled “Breathing air into AirBnBâ€s JavaScript Style Guide”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Programming,”Web Development”,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 6.3 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

158. The medium user Matt Keas got a total of 259 recommends, for the post titled “State of the Union.js”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Conference.
The reading time of the article is 19.7 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 35 images.

159. The medium user Paul Irish got a total of 259 recommends, for the post titled “requestAnimationFrame Scheduling For Nerds”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Android.
The reading time of the article is 1.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

160. The medium user luqmaan got a total of 257 recommends, for the post titled “Things I wish I knew about Redux”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Redux,Reselect.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 0 images.

161. The medium user Sonya Moisset got a total of 257 recommends, for the post titled “Three ways you can find the largest number in an array using JavaScript”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Programming,Learning,Algorithms,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 3.3 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 1 image.

162. The medium user Michel Weststrate got a total of 256 recommends, for the post titled “3 Reasons why I stopped using React.setState”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Mobx,Reactjs,”Reactive Programming”.
The reading time of the article is 4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 3 images.

163. The medium user Kevin Kononenko got a total of 255 recommends, for the post titled “AJAX Explained by Upgrading Your Video Game Character”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,”Life Lessons”,Programming,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 5.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 8 images.

164. The medium user Node.js Foundation got a total of 255 recommends, for the post titled “#NetflixAndChill: How Netflix Scales with Node.js and Containers”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs,Containers,Docker,UI.
The reading time of the article is 9.8 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 0 images.

165. The medium user Sonny Lazuardi got a total of 254 recommends, for the post titled “Ionic Framework vs React Native”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”React Native”,Ionic.
The reading time of the article is 4.4 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 7 images.

“166. The medium user freeCodeCamp got a total of 254 recommends, for the post titled “”25 Free Resources for New
JavaScript Developers””.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Startup,Technology,Design,””Social Media””.
The reading time of the article is 3.8 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 25 images.


167. The medium user Bilal Budhani got a total of 251 recommends, for the post titled “9 libraries to consider for your next React Native project”.
The post has the the following tags: React,”React Native”,”Mobile App Development”,JavaScript,iOS.
The reading time of the article is 3.6 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

168. The medium user Mikey Murphy got a total of 251 recommends, for the post titled “Journey to Enjoyable, Maintainable Styling with React, ITCSS, and CSS-in-JS”.
The post has the the following tags: CSS,”Web Development”,React,Aphrodite,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 16 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 23 images.

169. The medium user BASARAT got a total of 250 recommends, for the post titled “TypeScript won”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Typescript,Reactjs,Angularjs,”Open Source”.
The reading time of the article is 2.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 3 images.

170. The medium user Mybridge got a total of 249 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Top 10 Articles of the Year. (v.2017)”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming,”Software Development”,”Mobile App Development”.
The reading time of the article is 2.9 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 16 images.

171. The medium user Node.js Foundation got a total of 249 recommends, for the post titled “The Progress of Node.js a Year Post Node.js and io.js Merge and Where the Technology is Going”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,JavaScript,Developer.
The reading time of the article is 4.2 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

172. The medium user Nader Dabit got a total of 245 recommends, for the post titled “React Native Navigator — Navigating Like A Pro in React Native”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,”React Native”.
The reading time of the article is 7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

173. The medium user DailyDrip got a total of 243 recommends, for the post titled “Why Elm is Going to Change the World”.
The post has the the following tags: Elm,JavaScript,Programming,”Functional Programming”,Ruby.
The reading time of the article is 4.8 minutes.
The post contains 14 links and 4 images.

174. The medium user Sashko Stubailo got a total of 243 recommends, for the post titled “Apollo, the data stack for modern apps”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Graphql.
The reading time of the article is 7.7 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 15 images.

175. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 242 recommends, for the post titled “Securing React Redux Apps With JWT Tokens”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,React,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 6.5 minutes.
The post contains 15 links and 2 images.

176. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 242 recommends, for the post titled “The Anatomy Of A React Redux App”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,Angularjs.
The reading time of the article is 4.8 minutes.
The post contains 14 links and 7 images.

177. The medium user Mybridge got a total of 242 recommends, for the post titled “JavaScript Top 10 Articles in October”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Programming,”Software Development”,React.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 5 links and 17 images.


178. The medium user Alex Reardon got a total of 241 recommends, for the post titled “Performance optimisations for React applications”.
The post has the the following tags: React,JavaScript,”Front End Development”.
The reading time of the article is 5.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 5 images.

179. The medium user Slack Engineering got a total of 240 recommends, for the post titled “A faster, smarter Quick Switcher”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Slack,Algorithms.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 4 images.

180. The medium user A. Sharif got a total of 240 recommends, for the post titled “The Elegance Of React”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Programming,”Software Development”,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 7.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

181. The medium user Richard Herrera got a total of 239 recommends, for the post titled “NFL + React”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Reactjs.
The reading time of the article is 5.9 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 8 images.

182. The medium user Rob Dodson got a total of 238 recommends, for the post titled “The Case for Custom Elements: Part 1”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,”Web Components”,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 4.8 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

183. The medium user Addy Osmani got a total of 237 recommends, for the post titled “Issue 1: Service Worker Debugging, RAIL on 3G, Offline Analytics, Progressive Web Apps, Rollupify …”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Tools.
The reading time of the article is 6.8 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 8 images.

184. The medium user Malte Ubl got a total of 237 recommends, for the post titled “2016 will be the year of concurrency on the web”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 7.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 7 images.

185. The medium user Evan Wallace got a total of 235 recommends, for the post titled “Building a professional design tool on the web”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,”Web Development”,Tech.
The reading time of the article is 6.4 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

186. The medium user Artem Sapegin got a total of 234 recommends, for the post titled “Testing React components with Jest and Enzyme”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Jest,Enzyme,Testing.
The reading time of the article is 4.4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

187. The medium user Calvin Froedge got a total of 234 recommends, for the post titled “Why Iâ€m not staking my future on MeteorJS.”.
The post has the the following tags: Meteor,JavaScript,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 8.6 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 0 images.

188. The medium user Mike Groseclose got a total of 231 recommends, for the post titled “In Defense of Hyper Modular JavaScript”.
The post has the the following tags: Nodejs,JavaScript,”Open Source”,Design,Technology.
The reading time of the article is 5.1 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 3 images.

189. The medium user Anthony Gore got a total of 229 recommends, for the post titled “4 Things Vue.js Got Right”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Vuejs,React,Angularjs,”Web Development”.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 1 image.

190. The medium user Joselito got a total of 228 recommends, for the post titled “Como Ă programar em JavaScript em 2016”.
The post has the the following tags: Humor,JavaScript,Comunidade.
The reading time of the article is 13.7 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 9 images.

191. The medium user David Fox Powell got a total of 225 recommends, for the post titled “Why Canâ€t Anyone Write a Simple Webpack Tutorial?”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Webpack,Nodejs,Babeljs,ES6.
The reading time of the article is 11.3 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 4 images.

192. The medium user Jonas Helfer got a total of 225 recommends, for the post titled “How do I GraphQL?”.
The post has the the following tags: Graphql,React,JavaScript.
The reading time of the article is 4 minutes.
The post contains 3 links and 1 image.

193. The medium user Mike Hearn got a total of 224 recommends, for the post titled “Graal & Truffle”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,JavaScript,JVM.
The reading time of the article is 12.5 minutes.
The post contains 1 link and 2 images.

194. The medium user Joanne got a total of 222 recommends, for the post titled “How to Create and Publish Your First Node.js Module”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Nodejs,NPM.
The reading time of the article is 9.3 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 12 images.

195. The medium user Matheus Lima got a total of 222 recommends, for the post titled “Entendendo Programação Funcional em JavaScript de uma vez”.
The post has the the following tags: ES6,JavaScript,”Functional Programming”.
The reading time of the article is 5.5 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 3 images.

196. The medium user rajaraodv got a total of 221 recommends, for the post titled “Webpackâ€s HMR & React-Hot-Loader — The Missing Manual”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,Webpack,React.
The reading time of the article is 7.6 minutes.
The post contains 15 links and 15 images.

197. The medium user Mybridge got a total of 221 recommends, for the post titled “Top 10 JavaScript Articles from Last Month. (v.May)”.
The post has the the following tags: “Web Development”,JavaScript,Programming,Tech,”Software Development”.
The reading time of the article is 3.2 minutes.
The post contains 6 links and 14 images.

198. The medium user Matt Aimonetti got a total of 220 recommends, for the post titled “Go is for everyone”.
The post has the the following tags: Programming,Community,Golang,JavaScript,Education.
The reading time of the article is 4 minutes.
The post contains 2 links and 0 images.

199. The medium user Jonas Helfer got a total of 220 recommends, for the post titled “How to build GraphQL servers”.
The post has the the following tags: Graphql,JavaScript,React,”Web Development”,Programming.
The reading time of the article is 6.6 minutes.
The post contains 4 links and 2 images.

200. The medium user Artem Sapegin got a total of 219 recommends, for the post titled “React and Redux Single Page Applications Resources”.
The post has the the following tags: JavaScript,React,Redux.
The reading time of the article is 2.1 minutes.
The post contains 11 links and 0 images.

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Top 100 Writers that wrote about AI/ML/DL

The list with the TOP 100 AI/ML/DL articles can be found here :

Key Differences between medium posts tagged Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning' / Deep Learning

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In the last 3 years i collaborated with Rise Project, were i did data analysis and pattern recognition to uncover patterns of corruption in unstructured data-sets.

I have worked as a consultant for the World Bank.

Currently, as a job, I work as a Senior Map Analyst, working with OpenStreetMap data.

In September 2016 i moved for 3 months to San Francisco, to start a new life .

Now i`m back in Romania, searching for a Remote/ Part/Full Time Job here/ another country were I can apply my expertise related with data science.

Currently :

You can find me online on Medium Florin Badita, AngelList , Twitter , L inkedin, O penstreetmap , G ithub, Q uora, F acebook

Sometimes i write on my blog http://florinbadita.com/

From: https://hackernoon.com/top-200-javascript-articles-on-medium-until-jan-2017-a0c6a1bfe094

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文章浏览阅读1.9w次,点赞6次,收藏22次。原文链接:https://www.itsk.com/thread-395102-1-1.html出现Z:\不可用。如果该位置位于这台电脑上,请确保设备或驱动器已连接,或者光盘已插入,然后重试。如果该位置位于网络上,请确保你已连接到网络或Internet,然后重试。如果仍然找不到该位置,则它可能已移动或删除。解决办法:主要是因为新版WIN10的资源管理不是以管理员身份运行的,这时候只需要打开任务管理器,结束Windows资源管理器的进程,再点左上角文件,运行新任务,打开C:\Windows\exp._vmware映射虚拟磁盘 不可用



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