Ubuntu- easyefi 硬盘安装Ubuntu_用easyefi-程序员宅基地

技术标签: Linux  PC/OS  



~$ efibootmgr
BootCurrent: 0001
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0001,000E,000C,000D,0000
Boot0000* Windows Boot Manager
Boot0001* ubuntu
Boot000C* UEFI : LAN : IP4 Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (H) I219-LM
Boot000D* UEFI : LAN : IP6 Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (H) I219-LM
Boot000E* UEFI : HP SSD EX900 250GB : PART 4 : OS Bootloader
~$ sudo efibootmgr -b 0 -B
BootCurrent: 0001
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0001,000E,000C,000D
Boot0001* ubuntu
Boot000C* UEFI : LAN : IP4 Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (H) I219-LM
Boot000D* UEFI : LAN : IP6 Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (H) I219-LM
Boot000E* UEFI : HP SSD EX900 250GB : PART 4 : OS Bootloader


用 EasyUEFI 在 Win8/10 中硬盘安装 Ubuntu
作者:TeliuTe 来源:基础教程网

 1)下载带amd的64位 Ubuntu 桌面版光盘镜像文件,如 ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso:http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/




 2、安装 EasyUEFI,添加启动项
 1)EasyUEFI个人版是免费的,可以在官网或友链下载: http://www.easyuefi.com/index-cn.html,下载完后双击运行安装,





 7)关闭所有窗口,重启计算机,可以按“win键+R”调出运行框,输入 shutdown.exe -f -r -t 0 

 1)重新启动后,出现Ubuntu安装菜单,按回车键进入第一个试用Ubuntu(Try Ubuntu);


This is efibootmgr, a Linux user-space application to modify the Intel
Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) Boot Manager.  This application
can create and destroy boot entries, change the boot order, change
the next running boot option, and more.

Details on the EFI Boot Manager are available from the EFI
Specification, v1.02 or above, available from http://developer.intel.com.

Note: efibootmgr requires that the kernel module efivars be loaded
prior to use.  'modprobe efivars' should do the trick.

usage: efibootmgr [options]
	-a | --active         sets bootnum active
	-A | --inactive       sets bootnum inactive
	-b | --bootnum XXXX   modify BootXXXX (hex)
	-B | --delete-bootnum delete bootnum (hex)
	-c | --create         create new variable bootnum and add to bootorder
	-d | --disk disk      (defaults to /dev/sda) containing loader
	-e | --edd [1|3|-1]   force EDD 1.0 or 3.0 creation variables, or guess
	-E | --device num     EDD 1.0 device number (defaults to 0x80)
	-g | --gpt            force disk w/ invalid PMBR to be treated as GPT 
	-H | --acpi_hid XXXX  set the ACPI HID (used with -i)
	-i | --iface name     create a netboot entry for the named interface
	-l | --loader name    (defaults to \elilo.efi)
	-L | --label label    Boot manager display label (defaults to "Linux")
	-n | --bootnext XXXX  set BootNext to XXXX (hex)
	-N | --delete-bootnext delete BootNext
	-o | --bootorder XXXX,YYYY,ZZZZ,...     explicitly set BootOrder (hex)
	-O | --delete-bootorder delete BootOrder
	-p | --part part       (defaults to 1) containing loader
	-q | --quiet           be quiet
	--test filename   don't write to NVRAM, write to filename
	-t | --timeout seconds   Boot manager timeout
	-T | --delete-timeout    delete Timeout value
	-u | --unicode | --UCS-2  pass extra args as UCS-2 (default is ASCII)
	-U | --acpi_uid XXXX    set the ACPI UID (used with -i)
	-v | --verbose         print additional information
	-V | --version         return version and exit
	-w | --write-signature  write unique sig to MBR if needed

Typical usage:
1) Root can use it to display the current Boot Manager settings.
  [root@localhost ~]# efibootmgr
  BootCurrent: 0004
  BootNext: 0003
  BootOrder: 0004,0000,0001,0002,0003
  Timeout: 30 seconds
  Boot0000* Diskette Drive(device:0)
  Boot0001* CD-ROM Drive(device:FF) 
  Boot0002* Hard Drive(Device:80)/HD(Part1,Sig00112233)   
  Boot0003* PXE Boot: MAC(00D0B7C15D91)               
  Boot0004* Linux

  This shows:
  BootCurrent - the boot entry used to start the currently running

  BootOrder - the boot order as would appear in the boot manager.  The
  boot manager tries to boot the first active entry on this list.  If
  unsuccessful, it tries the next entry, and so on.

  BootNext - the boot entry which is scheduled to be run on next boot.
  This superceeds BootOrder for one boot only, and is deleted by the
  boot manager after first use.  This allows you to change the next boot
  behavior without changing BootOrder.

  Timeout - the time in seconds between when the boot manager appears
  on the screen until when it automatically chooses the startup value
  from BootNext or BootOrder.

  Five boot entries (0000 - 0004), the active/inactive flag (* means
  active), and the name displayed on the screen.

2) An OS installer would call 'efibootmgr -c'.  This assumes that
   /boot/efi is your EFI System Partition, and is mounted at /dev/sda1.
   This creates a new boot option, called "Linux", and puts it at the top
   of the boot order list.  Options may be passed to modify the
   default behavior.  The default OS Loader is elilo.efi.

3) A system administrator wants to change the boot order.  She would
   call 'efibootmgr -o 3,4' to specify PXE boot first, then Linux

4) A system administrator wants to change the boot order for the next
   boot only.  She would call 'efibootmgr -n 4' to specify that the
   Linux entry be taken on next boot.

5) A system administrator wants to delete the Linux boot option from
   the menu.  'efibootmgr -b 4 -B' deletes entry 4 and removes it
   from BootOrder.

6) A system administrator wants to create a boot option to network
   boot (PXE).  Unfortunately, this requires knowing a little more
   information about your system than can be easily found by
   efibootmgr, so you've got to pass additional information - the ACPI
   HID and UID values.  These can generally be found by using the EFI
   Boot Manager (in the EFI environment) to create a network boot
   entry, then using efibootmgr to print it verbosely.  Here's one example:

     Boot003* Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/PCI(5|0)/Mac(00D0B7F9F510) \

   In this case, the ACPI HID is "0A0341d0" and the UID is "0".
   For the zx2000 gigE, the HID is "222F" and the UID is "500".
   For the rx2000 gigE, the HID is "0002" and the UID is "100".
   You create the boot entry with:
   'efibootmgr -c -i eth0 -H 222F -U 500 -L netboot'

Many other uses may be found.

Please direct any bugs, features, patches, etc. to Matt Domsch

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